中央大學體育室 :: NCU Office of Physical Education


因應疫情,運動場地會員證退費及展延公告 In Response to the Covid 19, Refund and extened policy of NCU sports membership card

場地組 於 2021-06-25 17:18:47 發表此公告

1. 已辦理110年半年度運動場地會員證之應屆畢業生,可向本室申請退費,依所辦理場地費用計算,退費比例為所繳費用三分之一,

(1)於7/12前至線上( https://forms.gle/DgnzUNm2GNb65yDm8 ) 填寫表單(可掃描附件QR code),逾期恕不受理。

(2)依本校退費辦法: 辦理退費需繳回會員證件、繳費收據(若無收據請繳交收據遺失切結書)、存簿封面影本。請將三項文件放置密封之信封內,繳回依仁堂書報信箱,或郵寄至中央大學體育室,恕不接受體育室櫃台辦理。7/12前未繳回此三項文件者,無法辦理退費手續(收據遺失切結書可下載檔案列印或手寫相同內容繳回)。




For the  graduating students, you can refund 1/3 fee of what you paid.

You must fill up the application form (as attached code)  and return the membership card、 the receipt、 and the cover copy of your saving account number to the PE office mail box before july 12.   

If you lost your recipet, you may fill out the  affidavit letter as attached .

Once you apply the refund, you are now allowed to apply the sports membership card by year 2021.

For people who are not graduating students, we will extend the membership card whenever the sports courts will be closed. The detail  policy    will be announced afer the  sports court reopened.

We are sorry about the inconvience and thanks for your understanding.




  1. 場館退費表單填寫.png
  2. 收據遺失切結書.pdf
  3. 書報箱的位置請看這.JPG