中央大學體育室 :: NCU Office of Physical Education


因校園整體防疫考量,本校所有室內外運動場地將延長暫停開放至8/9止。The closure o f indoor and outdoor sport venues on the school campus is extended to Auguse 9 .

場地組 於 2021-07-26 18:07:44 發表此公告

★ 因校園整體防疫考量,本校所有室內外運動場地將延長暫停開放至8/9止。

★ 開放性戶外場地(如田徑場、棒壘球場、部份室外籃排球場等),提供場地,但不開放運動設施設備使用,現階段仍禁止打籃球、排球及棒壘球等等。

★ 請務必維持社交距離、戴口罩、禁止混用運動器具、勿群聚等。

1. The  closure o f  indoor and outdoor sport venues on the  school  campus is extended to August  9 .

2. The outdoor venues (i.e., the track and field stadium, the baseball field, and the outdoor basketball courts) are open. However, the usage of the sports equipment in the venues is prohibited. Currently, sports including basketball, volleyball, baseball, softball, etc. are not allowed.

3. Please be advised to keep your social distance from others, to wear a mask, not to use your own sports equipment with others, and to avoid gatherings. 

4. This notice is subject to change depending on the condition of this pandemic



